Bluemont Heritage September 21, 2022 (PDF)

Bluemont Heritage September 22, 2022

Meeting Held at E.E. Lake Store


In Attendance: (10) Peter Weeks, John Sullivan, Dave Ewald, Kevin Hart, Lori Seeley, Bill Bogard, Tom & Marilyn Rust, Julia Falke, Lisa Seeberger

Meeting called to order: 4:15 PM, Peter Weeks – presiding

Open for more..


President’s Remarks: Clarification of Friends of Bluemont, Bluemont Heritage and Bluemont Citizens Association (BCA):

Bluemont Heritage (BH) is a 501(c)3. Formerly known as Friends of Bluemont (they are the same entity), this is the historical arm of the BCA. Yearly dues for membership are $35/individual, $50/family and $100 sustaining. The organization looks after and financially supports all historical aspects of Bluemont, including the E.E. Lake Store, Snickersville Academy, the caboose, the Plaster Museum and arbor interests. Loudoun County does cover maintenance of the Lake Store, while BH pays the building’s electric bill. Revenue is received from member donations, as well as renting portions of the store.

Bluemont Citizens Association (BCA) is a 501(c)(4). Members reside in the 20135 zip code and no membership dues are required. Primarily legal in function, the BCA is a neighborhood association that works for the betterment of the Bluemont community. The BCA sponsors the annual Bluemont Fair, which is the main source of income for the village.

Treasurer’s Report:  Our current account balance is $23,185, plus a $2,500 charitable donation from Bear Chase for sponsorship at the fair beer garden. Our income for the first quarter was $6,700, for the second quarter $77 and so far this quarter, $296. Expenses are electricity for the Lake Store and Snickersville Academy, monthly maid service for the museum exhibit during the summer, security system for the museum exhibit and annual liability insurance on the academy property. Income outside of donations comes from renting the Lake Store upstairs area to the Montessori School. We were considering purchasing a programable thermostat for the store to help with heating costs, but the county nixed it. Still looking for other ways to keep the electric costs down, while also keeping with the historic nature of building.

Project Areas:

• Closing of Museum Exhibition – This afternoon, Lori Seeley provided a tour of the museum to 26 students from the Montessori school. The exhibit’s final day will be Sunday, Oct. 2. Donated items will need to be returned to the Heritage Farm Museum the following week. The tractors will also be returned and our exhibit items/panels will be stored in the Lake Store archive area. Kevin Hart is building additional shelves to store artifacts. After ~5 years, we can begin rotating exhibitions.

• Bluemont Heritage Celebration/Potluck – Our annual potluck will be held on October 16, from 12:30-2:00 PM. The Short Hill Mountain Boys will be providing entertainment. Loudoun Parks and Rec is no longer supporting events for private organizations, so we will not have use of free tables, chairs or tents. We do have 4 – 10×10 tents, but still need tables and chairs. Julia Falke may have tables/chairs available from Boulder Crest, but will need to see if they are being used for another function. Volunteers will be needed to help setup/tear down. We have two cases of wine left from the fair, but will need beer. For the 2023 Spring Fling, permission has been granted to use the grounds of the Bluemont Community Center. As this is a county facility, we will have county support with tables, chairs and tents – although no alcohol will be allowed.

• Picnic Tables for Academy –  In light of the county no longer supporting private events, is it time to invest in wooden picnic tables for the academy? One is currently there permanently and it may be nice to add a few more. However, it may not be financially prudent if they will only be used once a year. It will also make mowing more difficult. Julia Falke mentioned Eagle Scouts are always looking for projects… Boulder Crest is the number one location for Eagle Scout projects in Loudoun. The scouts could possibly make tables/benches and help with other BH projects. If so, volunteers would be needed to carry the tables/benches from Boulder Crest to the academy.

• Academy Repairs – The academy looked great for the fair. Emily Weitz and her husband did a fantastic job. Maria Nicklin and her husband have beautified the area by taking out all invasives and putting in a nature path with native plants. The dehumidifier inside needs a more permanent installation. The pump feature needs to be gravity fed – may need to elevate it on a table and drill a small hole in the wall for the tube to run outside.

• Member/Donor Tracking – Dave Ewald would like to pull this area together in order to thank our donors and provide IRS notices. Kevin Hart has every donor/donation listed in the BH PastPerfect software program and can print out a donor list on Excel. There is also a feature where you can create a standard letter and PastPerfect will automatically generate the letter – either hard copy or email.

• Additional Comments – The county has put in fiber along Snickersville Tnpk. for the community center. There is a fiber line sitting outside the Lake Store, could they run this into the building? The Lake Store is also a county building. Dave Ewald and Peter Weeks will look into the possibility.

The website was created by Susan Faulkner and has been dormant since she passed away ~5 years ago. The domain was due to be renewed in Feb 2023, although the site now says it is “parked.” Most likely the content was paid monthly and only the name was up for renewal next year. We can acquire the name, but do not want to lose the content. The site was hosted by GoDaddy and Dave Ewald will try to speak with someone there.

Lori Seely suggested it is time for another oral history project interviewing a local resident. We are coming across so many interesting stories and want to be able to capture them. Considerations are Tom Rust, Winnie Kelley or Betty and Sonny Colbert.

2022 Events:

• Bluemont Heritage Potluck: October 16 @ 12:30 pm – Snickersville Academy


Adjournment: 5:17 PM

Next Meeting: Annual Meeting November 7th @ 7:00 PM – E.E. Lake Store

  • Election of Officers
  • Plaster Museum Exhibition Theme for 2023


Notes by: Lisa Seeberger









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