Meeting Minutes Test
Bluemont Heritage January 27, 2022
Meeting Minutes Via Zoom
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In Attendance: (10) Peter Weeks, John Sullivan, John Constant, Dave Ewald, Kevin Hart, Henry
Plaster, Tim Hall, Tom Rust, Deborah Snyder, Lisa Seeberger
Meeting called to order: 7:03 PM, Peter Weeks – presiding
President’s Remarks: I feel privileged to be a part of Bluemont Heritage. We live in a very
special area.
Residents along Snickersville Turnpike recently received a letter from Loudoun County’s historic
group. The letter was sent to notify home owners of an application for Snickersville Turnpike to
be designated a Virginia Historic Landmark and to encourage support for the initiative.
Heritage Officer Elections: By unanimous vote, the following individuals were elected as
Bluemont Heritage Officers for 2022:
President – Peter Weeks
Vice President – John Sullivan
Secretary – Lisa Seeberger
Treasurer – Dave Ewald
Thank you to Tim Hall (outgoing treasurer) for his years of dedication and service to Bluemont
Treasurer’s Report: (please see attached report)
Fiscal year 2021 Summary (Dec. 01, 2020 – Nov. 30, 2021):
Income $13,838
~ $3,800 special donations
~ $2,400 memberships
~ $4,553 merchandise sales (rental E.E. Lake Store, books…)
~ $3,000 other income
Expenses $4,142
~ $1,500 business expenses
~ $1,200 E.E. Lake repairs
~ $800 donations
Balance $9,696
End of Nov. 2021 account balance was $16,300. Donations from Dec. Bluemont Vineyard/Dirt
Farm fundraisers will bring balance to over $24,000.
Project Areas:
• Snickersville Academy – Peter Weeks and John Sullivan to check interior of Academy for
needed repairs. Timing is good as company for repairs (Solstice) is in the area and would
likely be available for work. Plans are underway to develop walking path along the
stream. Maria Nicklin and her husband are working to clean up the grounds, put in
plants and shrubs and remove invasive species.
• E.E. Lake Store – Arborist Alan Dykstra will be working with a landscaper to relandscape
around the store. A request for improvements to the building was made by Peter Weeks
to Steve Torpy, Director of Loudoun Parks and Rec. A meeting was held at the store with
three reps from Loudoun building services and two from the Loudoun Heritage Comm.
Main concerns are reducing energy costs and maintaining building’s historical integrity.
The county has agreed, at their expense, to repair open areas around doors and
windows using historically accurate materials. Window sashes will be rebuilt and pulleys
and weights reinstalled. Will also install removable interior storm windows on second
floor. Structural cracks found in foundation along Snickersville Turnpike will be repaired.
• Plaster Museum – This summer’s museum exhibition will focus on farming and
agriculture in Loudoun County in the 19th and 20th centuries. The exhibit will tie into the
Bluemont Fair theme – Bluemont’s Draft Horse Farming Era. We are currently seeking
additional committee members and docents. The first committee meeting will be held in
early Feb. and the exhibit plans to open in April or May.
• BCC Caboose – Steve Torpy would like the garden shed to become a small replica of the
Bluemont train station and also serve as additional classroom space for the community
center. This would require bathroom installation, so many issues to get through before
it comes to fruition.
• Archives – Kevin Hart has ~ 382 items archived in PastPerfect software system. Items
are in four categories: Objects, Photos, Archives (exhibits) and Library. He has created a
file system for the museum of photos and reading material where visitors can see items
and click on media links for additional information.
• Website – Dave Ewald has synced up web pages for BCA, Bluemont Fair and Bluemont
Heritage to move seamlessly from one site to the other. Over the past year, he has
rearranged and built out the BCA and Heritage sites and will continue to build out more.
Will eventually be adding items and info archived on PastPerfect to Heritage site.
• Membership Drive – Past members who have not renewed membership will be
receiving reminders in the mail. We currently have ~ 60 members signed up.
• Tree City USA – Arbor Day celebration will be April 29. A rep from the Virginia Dept. of
Forestry will be present and we will be giving away free seedlings. A tree has been
planted by Craven Landscaping in front of the BCC honoring Evelyn Johnson. A plaque
has also been purchased and a ceremony recognizing her contributions to Bluemont will
take place later in the year.
2022 Events:
• Museum Exhibition Opening – April/May
• Arbor Day Celebration – April 29
• Fireworks – July 4 (tentative)
Possibility of community firework display in cooperation with Great Country Farms. A
portion of revenue would be donated to Bluemont Heritage, more to come…
• Bluemont Fair – September 17-18
• Snickersville Academy Picnic – TBD
Adjournment: 8:03 PM
Next Meeting: TBD
Notes by: Lisa Seeberger